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To post a message, click
here or send an e-mail to kokosing@proactive-english.com.
In the Subject line, please write: Kokosing Message Board - please
post. If you would like your e-mail address included in the message
please say so - otherwise, it will be omitted. Messages will be posted
in a few days at most, barring the demands of work and bath time - not
mine, the kids.
Click here to see
Archived Messages from before the reunion.
More narrative-style memories can be found in the
'Writing Gallery' where we would also like to post short (1-2 paragraph)
updates on what you are doing now and how you got there. Please send
your bio!!! Click here
for the e-mail address.
04-30 |
Vena |
All, I have changed jobs and therefore e-mail address since the
last reunion. I can be reached at jvena@birdsall.com. My cell is
the same at 732 740 7793. I seem to have lost touch with my good
buddy Warren Austerer. Warren if you’re out there or if anyone has
heard from him, let me know. Best to all, John Vena
John Vena
Vice President - Water Resources
Birdsall Services Group, Inc. |
Horenstein |
I'm [still] Pete Horenstein - and attended Kokosing for a few summers
in the early '40s (see my previous post). "Now is Life's most Precious
Time" is as true today (I just turned 79) as it was then, and it's
a mantra I have passed down to my children and grandchildren. I
remember with great fondness Bill Sr. and "Mrs R ", as well as Bill
Jr., Don (although he was in the army for much of the war) and Dick,
and my memories of those summers are some of the best I remember
still. Last year we visited the old site on Miller Pond and were
pleased to see it is now a much upgraded camp for autistic children.
We have an autistic grandson (Aspergers) and were thrilled with
what we saw there. The director was very cordial, interested in
our recollections of Kokosing, and gave us a tour of the place,
-a large pool has been added near the site of the old bunkline,
but the waterfront at the lake is much as it was 70 years ago,-just
newer and with more boats and equipment. All the residential facilities
[bunks] are recent structures, but the mess hall is still standing
and in use. (I missed seeing the award plaques on the upper walls!)
Nothing ever remains the same, and nothing is ever as good as the
memories of what was, -but it was good to see the old Kokosing site
still operating as a summer camp, and still serving the needs of
kids and their families. I'll try to get to the 2012 reunion, although
I don't expect I'll recognize anyone there. |
Korn |
Hi, I am Sid Korn, I was at Kokosing in the late
50's to 62. I am amazes to find this site after all of these years.
Also interested to see there is a disabled kids camp there now.
Kokosing so helped me in an unhappy childhood. Hope to see more.
Regards, Sid
03-21 |
Freeman |
Camp Kokosing Summer of 2012 Reunion!
Saturday, July 28th from 6PM-9PM
@The Benjamin Hotel
125 East 50th Street (btwn Lex & 3rd, closer to Lex)
NY, NY 10022
We can hang out at the bar of our restaurant, Geoffrey Zakarian's
"The National" afterward, which is downstairs from the party room.
The cost is $65/person Food and open bar included during the party
hours! A block of 20 rooms, single/double occupancy, have been
reserved for our event, at a discounted rate of $249.
Believe me, at the 4-Diamond Benjamin, this is a bargain. Also,
if you plan on being more than two in a room, I wouldn't mention
it while making the reservation. There is sometimes an upcharge
for an extra person, and it is unlikely that anyone would notice,
so just confirm up to two of you/room, which is what I'm sure
the case will be anyway. I am assuming that those of you planning
on staying with us are staying for just the night of the event,
however, 5 rooms in the event block have been saved..
All checks should go to :
Adrienne Freeman
Box 263
511 Avenue of Americas
New York, NY 10011
12-12-11 |
Rachlis |
There is a reunion planning committee that is
working to plan a reunion for the summer of 2012, the proposed
dates are 7/28/2012 in NYC. The committee would like feedback
on these dates to proceed with reunion planning. Please send your
feedback to KO2012@groups.facebook.com or join the camp kokosing
facebook page to answer the survey questions.
An email has been sent to everyone whose email
was on our most recent mailing list (2009), if you have not received
an email and would like to be kept up to date on the reunion plans,
please email your contact information to: Leah Rachlis lrachlis@gmail.com
Thanks, Leah
11-08-28 |
Kohn |
haven't I heard from any people from kokosing who attended from
1946 to 1949. Is it just that everyone from those years has died?
I'm 76--and can understand if they have. Or perhaps very few people
from those years don't have anything resembling a computer. In any
case, I would love to know what happened to Roger Post, whom Toby
Berger mentioned in his letter. Richard Rolfe's present whereabouts
are unknown to me. I suspect that he has been in the grave for a
long time. If you have any information at all about anyone who attended
in those years please email me at steve4700@msn.com Looking forward
to hearing from you. |
11-06-10 |
Rachlis |
is a newly formed 2012 reunion committee, if you were not on the
mailing list in 2005, please send your contact info to Leah Rachlis
at lrachlis@gmail.com or visit "2012 Kokosing Reunion planning on
facebook." Thanks, Leah |
10-12-26 |
Perlman |
HI - I am Lynn Perlman and was at Kokosing for
two wonderful summers in the mid 1950's. I was recently in Vermont
and went and found Kokosing. It is now a camp for kids with disabilities.
After walking around, I decided to explore on the internet and
found this website!
My twin sister, Judy (Perlman) Merbaum was at
Kokosing too and also had a wonderful time. I have wonderful memories
of canoe trips, (the Rangeley Lakes and the St Lawrence River)
hikes, (Moosilaukee and Cannon and Washington) plays (Allegro)
skinny dipping in the lake, raids on the boys/girls cabins, and
riding in the back of the pickup truck seeing a magnificent rainbow.
Some of the people I remember are Judy Schub, Judy Rabkin, Judy
Fleiss, Tommy and Jonny Harris, Jon Schwartz, Susie Schwartz,
Toni Brody , Lydia Lupe... If anyone is still writing to this
website, I'd love to be in contact.
Regards, Lynn Perlman
10-12-05 |
kohn |
will be 76 years old on July 28th--61 years since my last year at
Kokosing. I was wondering if anyone from the years I attended (1946-49)
would be interested in getting together. That is--if anyone from
those years is still alive. I live in Manhattan, on West 24th Street.
My phone is 1212-929-3846. The best time to call is before 10AM.
10-11-06 |
Goldblatt |
Dropped by the website many times, checked out
Facebook site.
Thrilled to reminisce (spellcheck please).
In photo gallery, set 12, soccer photo On the far right is Allan
Levenson (spelling), same year as I was, prob 1970,71. Boyfriend
of Laura Latham, not that I did not have a crush on her (and for
the record, I think everyone had a crush on Gina Gold). The chubby
curly haired afro-latino was Ralph Burton, "oh snap!" and "if
you don't hurry up we're gonna miss Bone Jaez!!". A year younger
than me. When it came to me, Kokosing had me at hello.
Steve Goldblatt 1969-1977.
10-08-16 |
Baker |
JoAnne, It’s a long time since you posted the
sad note about your husband, Ed Kaplan, but I only just saw it.
I remember him well and fondly from Kokosing. I’m so sorry to
hear of his death. I wanted to send you a personal note, but had
no way (no email address) other than posting a reply to this message
board. Please let me know if you see this.
Ellie Baker (ellie.baker@post.harvard.edu)
09-11-17 |
Cruz |
Unbelievable! My name is Jose Cruz and I attended
Camp Kokosing in 1976-77, if my memory serves me correctly.My
first summer I went with my brother Manny and my sister Lita,
as campers. The second summer, I worked in the kitchen with Grover,
my sister worked in the infirmary. Those were great summers, with
unforgetable memories. I still can’t believe I found this site.
I was thinking about the place today, and made a note to check
the web, to see if I could find any info and now I’m just dumb
founded. If there’s anyone left from those summers, please contact
me through these postings. And thank you to those who’ve kept
the memories alive with this site.
jcruz90 at optonline.net
08-24-09 |
Kaplan |
My name
is JoAnne and I am the wife of the late Ed Kaplan. (Valley Stream)
In case you didn't know, my sweet Ed died from pancreatic cancer
on December 30, 2007. Recently I came across some Kokosing materials.
I have two Kokosing songbooks (one is dated 1969) and a complete
program from "A Fiddler on the Roof". (starring Ed of course). I
know that Ed was particularly fond of his Kokosing days and his
friends there and in fact he kept these things safe and sound for
so many years. I thought perhaps they might have some sentimental
value to other campers. Please let me know if anyone is interested
and I will forward them to you. Be well and be happy. Life is short.
Best, JoAnne kaplan |
08-02-09 |
Bean |
I attended KoKosing in the early to mid sixties
as a camper,... best summers of my life.
Memories are hazy, but all good.
I was driving by Thetford Ctr VT, yesterday and
googled Camp Kokosing on a whim. Also discovered a Camp Kokosing
group on facebook!
06-09-09 |
S. |
My name is David and I was 11 & 12 when I attended
Camp Kokosing.
I could hardly believe my eyes as I was looking
through the pictures that were posted. While I was not in any
of them, they definitely brought back memories that I thought
I had completely forgotten about.
It is funny I was just adopted in late '74 and
in 76 & 77 I spend four of the best weeks of my life at Kokosing.
I was so mad at my father, at the time, because the 2nd year he
said I'd be able to stay for a second term but that never ended
up happening. I have often thought about the camp and some of
the people that I met there. The sad part is that I only remember
first names. :-(
If anyone remembers a skinny shy, angry at times,
black kid from New York City during the summers of 76 & 77 please
contact me.
Best of wishes to the extended Kokosing family.
03-30-09 |
and Wendy Rothenberg |
From Ron and Wendy Rothenberg:
Hello fellow Kokosingers,
Anne Rothenberg, passed away yesterday (Saturday
- March 28). Anne had recently had hip surgery, recuperation was
tricky and it seems it was all a lot for her body to take. The
funeral will be in Yonkers, NY this Tuesday, 3/31 with a gathering
at Ronnie and Diana's home following. (details below)
(From Wendy) For those who knew and loved Anne,
singing and playing the piano is how I'll always think of her.
Funeral 3/31 at 11:30 AM at Weinstein's Memorial
Chapel, 1652 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 914-793-3800.
(This is near the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Tuckahoe
Road). The family will be receiving guests
at the Funeral Parlor starting at around 11:00 am.
We will also be having a get together at our home
after the service at the cemetery. This should be at around 1:30
PM. Our house is located at:
286 Mile Square Road Yonkers, NY 10701 914-965-2511
RONDI2005@OPTONLINE.NET (Ron Rothenberg's e-mail)
03-16-09 |
Cruz |
Hello Everyone,
My name is Manny Cruz and I once had the incredible
pleasure of spending my summer at Camp Kokosing. For some time
now I have had a pretty rough time recalling what year I was there,
but I was browsing thru the photo gallery and surprisingly I found
a photo which I think shows me in the back row. I think it's photo
number 245 (titled "Last Day of Camp 1976). there's a lot that
I vaguely remember, with the exception of these things: I was
a helper in the mess hall/kitchen; I remember someone named Grover
who had a very raspy, hoarse voice and who was very close to the
Rothenberg family (he also worked in the kitchen); I remember
trying to be a show-off and punching the wall in my bunk and my
hand not exactly going thru the sheetrock as I thought it would,
but instead it hit a solid wood stud in the wall. i remember that
they had to take me to a hospital in New hampshire. I think right
now Im just trying to find out if there's anyone out there that
was also at camp in the summer of 1976 and who might remember
You can email me at mannycruznyc@aol.com
02-4-09 |
Wendy Rothenberg
Vicki Moritz
Barry Mazor
Hello Kokosingers! For those on Facebook, there's
a Camp Kokosing group!! Only 30 or so of us so far, but what fun
to reconnect this way. I'm not expert enough to tell you how to
find it, but just search for "Camp Kokosing" and then groups and
you'll find us. As my grandfather said, "Now is Life's Most Precious
Time", so join in. Wendy Rothenberg
Hi guys! Is everyone aware of the Camp Kokosing
page on Facebook? Check it out. Much fun to be had... V. Moritz
For anybody here who uses Facebook on the Web,
there's now a working Camp Kokosing group there, with dozens of
members signing on for the fast and easy communication. Lonnie
Lore Beer set it up, and it's good idea.. -Barry Mazor
01-20-09 |
West |
Hi there,
Being new on the internet I have just recently
discovered your (our) website. I had the great pleasure of being
counsellor for two season 1955 and 1956 and my jobs were at the
waterfront. Canoeing, boating, swimming A little bit of sailing
and took trips with some of the campers to lake Memfamego, Lake
Winnipisaki (both probably spelt wrong)and a mountain Trip to
mount Washington. For me it was a lot of fun and I have so often
thought back and reminded me about life in camp.
I have had a good life, but must admit that the
best is over, but I am still fascinated by sailing and have had
a number of sailing boats. I have Been crewing on a sailing vessel
that to-day is 153 years, and I have also been crew member on
the largest vessel in Denmark that does not have a propulsion
Engine. It is sometimes a job to get the vessel, that loads maybe
50 ton in and out of a harbor for sail alone.
Anybody interested in taking contact with me I
shall be pleased to answer your calls. Anybody visiting Denmark
give me a call I am only 15 minutes away from our international
airport Copenhagen Airport Kastrup. Through your website I found
Danish Kis Meyer, who was counsellor in 1955 and we have taken
up correspondence per E-mail.
I hope to hear from someone that could be fun
A warm KO KO SING From John Now : Henrik West Engvej 45 DK 2791
dragoer Denmark Phone (45) 32 53 18 90 Mobile (45) 22 99 46 86
E-mail hrhenrikwest@gmail.com I hope to hear from someone
1-15-09 |
(Ellenberg) Thurman |
An updated hello from Amy Ellenberg, nowThurman...
Hi again !
Some of you seem to still be posting messages
here which surprised me and is cool. I had fun at the reunion
a couple years ago and missed seeing some campers in my bunk where
I was asst counselor- sally ramirez, vicky moritz, moose....really
had fun singing with them from Sound of Music(doe ray me fa fay...)
, and so many other memories. And Abby I sure do remember 'Oh
Music Thou Most...' harmony :) and nice to see you too...Debby
Kaplan, Jean Warschauer(Stevens now), Ellen Bovarnick, Ellen Baker,
Stephanie Gibson (or did I see a message from you and you weren't
at the re-union?), Amy Gillenson Upper Seniors :)
Anyway I am not a "past" person, very now-oriented,
but it was very fun and I would enjoy anyone who wants to email
me...Laurie Walkoff (now Levine), ...etc etc etc !!!! From Kew
Gardens Queens, and I'm in Kansas City now, and will be in CA
sometime hopefully living there again....I' m still engaged with
a 20 yr relationship behind it ! And things have been good. If
I didn't mention you, write anyway---it's fun to see who's still
on the site!
amy e.
12-15-08 |
Moritz |
Hey there fellow KOKO people! Vicky Moritz here.
It's Holiday time again and I thought I'd check in. How the heck
are all of you?
You wouldn't believe the incredible pictures I
have of all of you from that amazing reunion. What a blast that
was. It's taken me far too long to get in touch, but better late
than never. I hope this crazy recession isn't hurting anyone the
way it has so many people. For those of you who don't know,
I've been a pretty successful Chef for the past
18 years, and have been working at the very tony Benjamin Hotel
in New York for the past 6 years. It's been quite the experience
over the years working with the best Chefs in New York at the
best restaurants our fair city has had to offer. For those of
you who remember me as an actress (thanks a bunch to Barry and
Peggy), I've had some accomplishments therein too, and recently
was cast in a wonderful short film soon to be screened at various
film festivals.
I've been living in Brooklyn for the past 10
years, as I told some of you at the reunion, following a somewhat
unpleasant divorce (don't feel bad, I'm just fine), and miss and
think of you all often. I know we all have jobs and responsibilities
to tend to every day, but let's stay in touch as best we can.
A special "shout out" to all my buds from Kokosing 1969-1977,
and may everyone have a happy, healthy, and safe entry into 2009.
I LOVE YOU LWKO(little white Kokosing Owl)....vicky.moritz@yahoo.com
10-15-08 |
Kulb |
I accidentally stumbled upon this website during
lunchtime this afternoon. I have searched over the years but never
was able to link up to anything. My name is Lance Kulb and I attended
during the summers of 1966 and 1967 and came back to visit at
the end of August, 1968. I have many, many fond memories of the
summers I spent in Vermont especially the canoe trips, the 1967
Expo in Montreal and buying cheap cigarettes from the vending
machine in the Village Green ice cream parlor in Hanover (I managed
to kick the habit over 20 years ago).
Thanks, Lance.
08-28-08 |
Morgan |
Hi everyone.
I just found this website and boy does it bring
back memories, I was a counselor in '59 and '60 I think. Does
anyone remember me or the times we had on those canoe trips down
the St. Lawrence, Sebago Lake in Maine(sleeping in the garbage
dump). Write back if you do.
Bruce Morgan
05-19-08 |
Rothenberg |
You may remember the sign in the front of the
Dining Hall which said "NOW IS LIFE'S MOST PRECIOUS TIME". It
was my grandfather's (Bill Sr.) favorite saying! That original
sign is now hanging on a porch in my cousin Donna Rothenberg Savage's
home. She recently received it after it was removed from the Dining
Hall by my family as a memento of Kokosing. She sent me a photo
and I was inspired to make an almost exact replica of it which
now hangs in front of my country home in Fort Plain, NY. Attached
is a photo of it. Feel free to post it on the website along with
my comments if you choose. I notice that there has not been any
action on the website for quite awhile. Maybe this might stimulate
some communication. My best,
Ronnie R.
02-08 |
M., Nashville |
I hope people are still checking back at this
site now and then.There are some live video clips of Elliott Michael's
band Galleon up at this link:
For anyone who doesn't know--and it will be clear
enough when you see him perform--Elliott was, of course, the fellah
many of us knew well as Max Ogur.
Hartshorne |
I just found this page with all of this memory
all laid out in stories. I love the stories about the big green
truck, I rode back there year after year, and remember going to
Paper Moon at a New Hampshire theater and riding home. I was happy
that I was able to make it to the reunion, it was fun to see so
many people...even if it took longer to recognize everybody!
Thank you for putting up a website like this,
it is really fun to read and well done.
I also loved that mudsliding. To this day every
time I see it raining really hard I think wow, we could have a
mudslide. Did any of you (men mostly!) ever try to do a mudslide
after you left camp? I did. And it just didn't work. I think they
had a special clay soil that was perfect for creating a slick
surface. But that's a great memory. Francis Harris. Yes indeed
I remember many times with you. I think I was there 68-72.
Thank you everyone!
Max Hartshorne
Editor GoNOMAD.com
4a Sugarloaf St.
P.O. Box 4
So. Deerfield MA 01373
08-30-07 |
Andy Seiler
, Mike:
This is Andy Seiler, former Kokosing camper.
1. Please note: My email address is no longer avseiler@msn.com.
It is: avinerseiler@gmail.com .
2. I wish I could be at the reunion. In case anyone remembers the
guy with the glasses who was the main reporter at the camp newspaper
in the early '70s until NPR's Melissa Block came along, my
latest health update is posted in the writing gallery.
Feel free to forward it. Have a great time! Andy Seiler |
08-22-07 |
Vecchiarelli, AKT |
one and all, Please register (preferrably on-line) soon if you have
any inkling of going to the Reunion http://www.kokosing-thoreau.org
We can settle up payments when you arrive but I need to have a final
head count on or before Aug. 22 (that's by the end of the day tomorrow!)
so we can order food and such. I hope to post an ad hoc program
shortly but, meanwhile consider what you want to do, bring disks,
b-ball, bathing suits, yoga matts, arts and craft supplies, kick
ball, pictures, stories, etc. Mike V. |
08-06-07 |
Vecchiarelli, AKT |
It's almost time. Come one, come all, spread the
word and see you there!!! Thoreau and Kokosing folk from coast
to coast, and through the years, are gathering this September
on site at Miller Pond in Vermont:
Yours in the Outdoors, Mike V.
07-10-07 |
Zelman |
Hi from
Cleveland OHIO. I was a camper in 1971. I noted on the KoKosing
message board that Peggy and Doug Smith are from Cleveland. If so,
it would be cool to link up. My e-mail is hzelmnan@aol.com. My fondest
memories are of water skiing on Miller Pond, the six day mountain
hiking trip with Josh and others, playing tennis with Jeff and Danny,
and oh yeah Carol. I also remember Bob Margolis striking out the
last batter in the marathon 12 inning game during the Hanover tournament.
Well, thats it for now.
Henry Zelman |
6, 2007 |
Vecchiarelli, AKT |
Could you please post this wonderful "thanks"
at your Kokosing web site as well as a reminder of the reunion
that is being planned for Labor Day Weekend. We're hoping one
of the draws for the weekend will be that it is on-site at the
camp in Vermont!!!
Mike Vecchiarelli, AKT
Dear Thoreau Friends,
Deandre is almost done with his second week of
Independent Lake Camp.
In his letters he has let us know that he is having
a great time and
making new friends every day. He is deeply grateful for this
opportunity to spend four weeks at camp. Deandre's letters are
and they always end with, "I'm sorry that I didn't write
more, but I
have to go to .." We couldn't have asked for more.
Deandre understands that many people, including
Thoreau and Kokosing
people, came together to pay for his camp tuition. Through a letter
to my family, Deandre would like you to know that he is, "very
happy about
what you are doing for me." Deandre's grandmother continues
to be
deeply touched by and grateful for the outpouring of support.
(For those of you new to this network, several
former campers and the
Association of Kokosing and Thoreau made generous donations this
to help pay for Deandre's camp tuition. Deandre is 14 and could
afford to attend camp of any kind.)
When Deandre returns, he will attend our high
school's summer
football camp for a few days. He has looked forward to this for
a while too.
Thankfully, football camp may ease his transition
back and, we hope,
soften the homesickness that he'll feel for Independent Lake Camp.
year, Deandre was very sad to leave ILC. Some of the locally donated
funds were applied to football camp tuition.
I hope you are enjoying your summers too. Thank
you for your
enthusiasm and support. Deandre could not have gone to camp without
Best Wishes,
05-02-07 |
Steve4700@msn.com |
Hi Ronny----Sorry that you had a heart condition
and hope you feel well now. Steve kohn here--from 1946--47-48-49------Please
include my email address on the bulletin board--I dont have your
email address Ronny!
Does anyone know the dates of birth and death
for Bill Rothenberg Sr? Also I would like to have some pictures
from 1946 thru 1949-------
07 |
Vecchiarelli, AKT |
Camp Kokosing folk, friends, and associates,
What: Camp Reunion!!!
When: Labor Day Weekend, September 1-3, 2007
Where: On Miller Pond in Strafford Vt. (you know, where Camp was)
Who: Family, Staff, and Friends from any Camps Kokosing and Thoreau
(yeah, that covers anyone that you'd like to come along)
Why: Really now
How: Show up, enjoy!
Does that answer all the questions? No?
We'll have meals (of course), on and off-site
lodging, camp fires, music, and just great folk from generations
Us. It's all being hosted by the Association of Kokosing
and Thoreau with the new property owners Camp Group/Lakeside Retreats.
They will provide the meals and staff for the waterfront; we'll
do all the rest.
If you'd rather not share cabin space or tent
on site I've been able to get us some great rates at local B&Bs
and Hotels, but they're on a first come first serve basis so hurry
up and book now.
Go to the "Reunion" link at http://www.kokosing-thoreau.org
(don't forget to refresh the page if you have to) and read all
about it; register; and start thinking about activities.
I can't wait to see you all there
the word!
Mike V.
AKT board, TIV staff 1988-2001
01-07 |
Martinez |
I had
the pleasure to serve as Counselor the summers of 1968 and 1969.
I worked as gymnastics instructor and head of the trips dept.
I am from Durango, Colorado. At that time I was
18 and 19 years of age and still in college. What a wonderful
experience Kokosing was for me!
Since then, I have been a college administrator
for 36 years. Serving as a Community College President twice.
I am now living and working in Charlotte, North Carolina and soon
to retire. Please share this with other era counselors and campers.
I would like to communicate with these folks and possibly visit
the area sometime in the future.
Augustine Martinez, Ph.D.
Dean of Levine Campus
Central Piedmont Community College
Office: 704-330-4221
Cell: 704-516-9527
12-02-06 |
Horenstein |
Hi all, although there are few who will remember
me. I was at Kokosing in the early '40s. My first bunk,mates were
Neil Trilling and Marty Granierer, and I still have a picture
of the three of us with our counselor in front of Bunk 20. I think
John Savage counselored in that bunk a year or two later. Werner
Gaybauer is another counsellor I'd love to have news of. I remember
he was a fine violinist. Sad to hear of your Dad's passing, and
the tough few years since his stroke. We all loved him! I had
read of Bill Sr.'s passing many years ago, and visited the camp
site twice within the past 20 years (last it was Thoreau) - saw
that the rec hall had burned, - many great memories of Gilbert
& Sullivan shows there. Also remember your uncles, Don and Dick,
and your grandma, who we all knew as "Mrs. "R". You come from
great stock! My years at Kokosing were some of the best memories
I have. Sorry the Mess Hall plaques are gone, -I had a few mentions
there in waterfront endeavors. Would love to hear from you with
more news of the family.
Best, -Pete Horenstein (Pete107M@aol.com)
11-11-06 |
Betsy and Giulio Maestro MaestroBooks 74 Mile
Creek Rd Old Lyme, CT 06371
Fax: 860-434-1620
Email: bcmaes@aol.com
I was at Camp Kokosing for a number of summers
around 1956-1959 and I recognized some names form a posting by
Jon Shapiro. The Castle Brothers and the Harris Brothers were
definitely at camp when I was - also Peter Balbert. I do remember
that both Judy Fleiss and Toni Brody were bunkmates of mine. My
Mom, Norma Crippen was a counselor of the littlest kids along
with Ulla Lofgren from Sweden. They remained friends for many
years. I have so many wonderful memories of great times and great
people - wonderful counselors like Ernie (theater) and Hans (photography)
and of course all the trips - biking, hiking and canoeing. The
most vivid memories are of the mishaps of course - getting lost
on Mt. Mansfield for 11 hours, and getting rescued from Lake Winnipesaukee
during a hurricane when our canoes filled with water.
Both Bill Sr. and Mrs. R. were at camp along with
Bill Jr., Don, and their wives. And of course, Jack and Jill,
the huge dogs. Although the summers were great when I was a kid,
I have realized over the years just how wonderful this camp was.
There was a mission and a philosophy built in to the everyday
life at camp that would impact the lives of the campers in many
ways throughout the years. For that, I am very grateful. Would
love to hear from anyone who was at camp during this period. It
is great to read about what camp was like for the decades after
I was there and realize how similar all of our experiences were.
Betsy Crippen Maestro
9-06-06 |
Margolis |
Hi Folks,
Brief update: My film, "The Definition of Insanity" will be available
as Video-On-Demand through Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Cablevision
and other cable outlets nationwide beginning September 15th and
running for at least three months for anyone who is curious. More
info at: www.definitionofinsanity.com
Hope all is well wtih everyone! Best, Bob Margolis |
09-01-06 |
Schapiro |
I found the Kokosing site quite by accident.
Ronnie - sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. I was a camper there
in 1955, 56, 58, 59 and 60. I remember bunkmates - John Ruskay,
Danny Schechner, Lenny Leighton, Warren Suss and Jeff Friedman as
well as the Harris brothers, the Castles, Steve Sugar, Dave Michaels,
Nancy Meireich, Abby Golden and many others. My brother Jimmy was
also there in 1955, 56 and 58. It's sad to hear the Camp has changed
hands, but at least it hasn't been converted to upscale housing/condos.
Jon Schapiro |
08-19-06 |
B. |
former kokosingers,
a few hours ago i returned home from the inaugural
summer of Camp Empire Lake, the camp that is now located on the
former kokosing/thoreau property. out of curiosity i googled the
two old camps, and i have seen that there is a lot of concern
about the fate the your beloved camp. i want to assure you that
the grounds are in good hands- keith, the owner of empire lake,
is an experienced camp director and an incredible person. yes,
empire lake is a fat camp, but please don't think that means boot
camp. keith and his staff are providing the same invaluable summer
experiences and memories to todays children that you recieved
at kokosing and thoreau. their campers are learning to lead healthy
lifestyles, respect their peers and their environment, work together,
form meaningful relationships, explore new hobbies and activities,
take risks, learn about and accept themselves, and make their
corner of the world a better place. while i understand that change
is very difficult, i hope you will rest easier knowing that the
property on miller pond road is still serving an exceptional purpose:
this summer i lost fifteen pounds and i feel i am on my way to
a healthier lifestyle, i discovered sports i never knew i liked,
andi made new friends and memories that i'll never forget. as
i walked around the camp, i could feel the history, your history,
around me, especially in the library, which is still filled with
books, magazines, files from who knows when, and (my
favorite) a color war trophy from 1928-1931. your camp may not
be running any more, but it is not forgotten. i encourage you
to visit campempirelake.com to learn about the incredible work
that keith and his staff are doing.
07-05-06 |
V. |
friends from Camp Kokosing,
First of all, I wanted to mention to any and all
of you interested in knowing; the ownership of the property at
Miller Pond in Vermont has changed hands again. Since Kokosing's
closing the property was owned by Dan Senecal, a resident of the
Boston area, who leased it out to Camp Thoreau-in-Vermont (TIV)
until its last summer in 2004. Although it will be leased again
this summer to a camp calling itself Camp Empire Lake, the property
is now owned by an organization called CampGroup http://www.campgroup.com/
They are in business to help manage camp programs and they have
reached out to us, The Association of Kokosing and Thoreau http://www.thoreau-kokosing.org/
to ask how our interests in the site currently stand. In the near
future we are planning to have a formal meeting with them to determine
the feasibility of starting another camp like Kokosing and Thoreau
on that property.
This link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=98232309251
is a survey we would like filled out to get more ideas and information
from you. Although it has been written with the more recent TIV
community in mind we hope you take a moment to fill it out and
pass the link along to other Kokosing friends. Or simply contact
me with your thoughts
Sincerely yours in the outdoors,
Mike V.
Association of Kokosing and Thoreau
TIV staff 1988-2002
camping professional 1986-present
and current camp director
and me, etc.
07-03-06 |
and John Strachan |
Attached is a picture of my husband's Mother taken
in 1926 at Camp Kokosing. Click
here to see photo. Her name the was Arline Phillips. She would
have been 18 or 19 at the time.
She died in 1996. Can anyone tell us if she attended the camp
for more than one summer. Could she have been a counselor there
in in 1926?
Can you tell us if the Camp is still in existence?
Joyce and John Strachan, Anchorage, Alaska.
07-02-06 |
Bovarnick |
Hello, I have just switched my email address from
ellenbovarnick@aol.com to ellenbovarnick@msn.com.
Please use this new address for all future emails and instant
messages. Let me know if you have any trouble with my email address.
I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Thanks, Ellen
07-02-06 |
Mickenberg, Camp Thoreau in VT |
Hey Kokosingers,
Well those of us trying to start a Camp Kokosing/Thoreau again wanted
to get your ideas about the future of such a place, so we put together
this little survey, or "Electronic Town Meeting."
Please take the one min. to fill the survey out and please, please,
please forward it to all the folks in your networks. It will really
help in our efforts to bring such a camp back sooner rather than
The link to the survey is at: www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=98232309251
07-02-06 |
Gonzales |
I am
sending this for my husband, Peter Belport. Peter attended Camp
Kokosing in 1946, 1947 and 1948.
Our family album has several Camp Kokosing photos. Peter was one
of Mr. R's gadflys. He captured the flags his last year of camp.
Is there anyone out there who attended Camp in the late 40's?
If yes, then please contact Peter at rnpbelport@comcast.net |
6-27-06 |
Rothenberg |
the Camp Kokosing property has been sold as of this month. Dan Senecal
(previous owner) was in touch with me to confirm this and make arrangements
for any memorabilia to be transfered to me and my family. I will
make a trip up there sometime in July to see what is left. The property
was bought by a large group that owns and runs quite a few camps
around the U.S. I am unsure as to whether they own the weight loss
camp that will be there this summer or not. It may be that they
are renting out the space to them for the time being. It's amazing
to see that the camp sold for about 15 times what we sold it for
29 years ago (my estimate). That's about a 10% increase per year!
Not a bad investment. Be well... Ronnie Rothenberg |
06-27-06 |
and Doug |
leaving this morning from Cleveland for a 3-week trip through Maine,
Quebec, and Montreal. Tomorrow night we'll be in Hanover, which
almost assures a side-trip to camp to check out what's going on
there. Rain may keep us from getting up the hill, but we'll try.
We'll report our findings when we return. Hope someone's still monitoring
this bulletin board. Peggy and Doug Smith |
06-18-06 |
Pratap |
Ashok Pratap now living in India since the last
forty years spent the summers of 61 and 62 as a swimming counselor
at Kokosing. Has sent a detailed note of his memories (click
to this link in the Writing Gallery) and has made a special
request to help trace some people especially Harry Wachtel, a
lawyer who had a son or daughter at the Camp in 1962. Please do
read it and help if you can.
5-10-06 |
Rothenberg |
I spoke today (Sunday 5/7) with Dan Senegal. Dan
purchased camp from my Dad and hisbrother Don 29 years ago. Dan
told me that on Thursday (5/11) the camp will either be sold or
leased for 3 years to the weight loss organization that will run
a camp there starting this summer. I arranged with Dan to have
certain memorabilia (which may still be on the camp property)
saved for me until such time as I can get up there to retrieve
them. It is unclear as to whether much of anything remains, but
there may be a few things worth retrieving. If anything new occurs,
I will let you know via the Kokosing website.
4-26-06 |
(Beck) Stegman |
Just a brief note regarding my newly-received
Kokosing t-shirt - it's great!!! I'm so happy with it. What memories
it brought back! Thanks so much to Leah and everyone who made
the shirts possible - you did a wonderful job, and I'll proudly
wear my shirt for years to come (it's a nice, tough shirt, too
- should stand up to wash after wash...).
Thanks again! -Andrea (Beck) Stegman, 1973-1974
V |
Hello Kokosing Community,
We are very excited to announce a week of family
camp specifically for the communities of Camp Thoreau and Camp
Kokosing. This is being hosted by our friends at Common Ground
Camp in Vermont.
It's really happening!!!! Here's more info http://www.thoreau-kokosing.org/
Click on the link to Family Camp, down load
a registration form, and come join us for a wonderful week in
It's our next big initiative on the way to recreating
a children's camp. It's not quite THE camp yet but think about
the reunions we've had and multiply it by a factor of 7 (days
that is).
Read back through the messages on this Kokosing
web site, the former Camp Thoreau's site:
and the club pages of the Thoreau community:
and it'll be evident why this is so important: these camp experiences
make great difference in our lives. Ok, enough from me. Check
out the info on the web site and please spread the word!
Take (and give) care,
Mike V
(TIV staff 1988-2001)
3-12-06 |
V |
is another announcement about our efforts and progress. Because
we all have more-than-full time jobs our progress has been slow.
We are still committed to opening another childrens camp like
Kokosing and Thoreau; we still are wishful if not hopeful for the
property at Miller Pond in Vermont but sadly watching that chance
slip away (currently under contract with sale pending
PLEASE mark your calendar for a week of Family
Camp Aug.20-25 hosted by our friends at Camp Common Ground Center
in Starksboro Vt.
This is open to all friends and family of Camp
Kokosing, Camp Thoreau in New York, Camp Thoreau in Vermont.
I know we keep promising more details and they are coming together
nicely (just not too timely) It will happen and we'd LOVE to have
you there. We = AKT
(Ronnie) Rothenberg |
As some of you older campers may remember, at
the end of each camp season, awards were given out at the Final
Banquet. These awards were then inscribed on wooden plaques which
decorated the walls of the Dining Hall. When my family sold Camp
Kokosing in 1977, almost all of the plaques were put into storage
and unfortunately were destroyed either from weather or other
causes. Recently, I was contacted by a dear friend, Eleanor Rothschild,
who was married to Howard Rothschild. Howard was a camper in the
30's and became a close friend of my Dad (Bill Jr.). Howard passed
away about a year or so ago and Eleanor found a Kokosing plaque
from 1932 among his stored belongings. She forwarded it to me
along with an original Kokosing banner (triangular) in blue and
grey also from the 30's. I have hung these on the wall of a new
room that I just completed building in my country home in upstate
New York. Among the other names on the plaque are my Dad (he was
a Junior at 12 years old), my Da d's cousin Elbert (Eb) Tokaji
(Tokay), Milton Travis, Peter Corn and Oscar Israel. I really
treasure this piece of memorabilia and am very grateful to Eleanor
for sending it to me.
My new e-mail address is rondi2005@optonline.net.
Kirsten (Meyer)
Hi all
My name is Kirsten (surname before marriage, Meyer),
but has always been called Kis and so I was that wonderful summer
of 1955.
I was in my last year of teachers college at the
time, but stayed away because of my US adventure till october,
exams in november and december. I got my teacher certificate,
I have looked back to that summer so much, and
I have even talked so much to children and grandchildren that
my youngest daughter and one of my twin grandchildren have been
spending a summer as a camp councellor, one up in Maine, the other
in Chicago. But both enjoyed it very much too.
As part of my English exam, I wrote a report of
a summer in an American camp, I also have quite a few photos life
in camp.
Really I was just scribbling your camp name, and
to my surprise, you were right there. Marvellous. Last year I
found myself having relatives in US, New York, and in Israel.
After having believed that family, that were not known to us had
all perished in the Holocaust, it was a great experience.
I will attach a few photos now, but if you are
interested I can send you more some other time.
I might be able to scan some of the report I wrote.
It is a rather extensive description I made, unfortunately handwritten,
as we did back in the 50-ties. And in a stange kind of format.
As a last comment, I will tell that I loved Bill
and Mrs. R a lot. And the following summer they came to Denmark,
so we had a very nice reunion. I think they met my parents as
Love from Kis Kirsten Nielsen
Holmebjerg 5
2950 Vedbæk
tlf 45893792, mobil 20923792
email kis.nielsen@vip.cybercity.dk
(Kirsten sent some photos which I will post with
the next round of additions to the photo gallery - DK)
3-12-06 |
Bayer |
I wondered
what happened to Kokosing. Google had some answers. I recognized
one name on the web site, Danny Niedenberg, who has passed on. I
was at camp the summers of 55, 56, give or take a year. I remember
taking the train, which started in NYC and stopped in Stamford CT,
where I got on. The train was pulled by a steam engine from White
River Jct. I learned to swim and at the end of one summer, brought
home a shoe box full of garter snakes. I have lived in Maine since
l972 and enjoy the rural life in the slow lane.
Best to all...Bob
Bob Bayer
Professor, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Director, Lobster Institute
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469 USA
2-5 |
Beare |
Hi, Do you have a way to contact Warren Austerer?
I'm an old friend and have lost track of him. I went to his wedding
in 1991 and haven't seen him since. He helped me get started in
the music industry. Any info you have would be very appreciated.
Feel free to pass my email on.
Cary Beare
1-29-06 |
Andrea, Lonnie and Rachel
Andrea Hirshman, Lonnie Lore and Rachel (Betty)
Ellenberg just had a mini-reunion in Chattanooga, TN (home of
Rachel). One of the highlights of the weekend, aside from our
delight in seeing each other again, was after never accidentally
bumping into anyone from camp, except for Andrea bumping into
Rick Weisfeld on the Upper West Side and Lonnie bumping into Rachel
and Bob Post on the Upper West Side, oh and once Lonnie bumped
into Andy Berman in Central Park, well...guess what? We were walking
in the Atlanta Airport and from across the crowded room, Andrea,
after 33 years, sees a silhouette she recognizes, and says, "Oh
I think that's Alice Gerard." So we race over to the spot and
lo and behold it is indeed Alice, recently sprung from the Federal
Pen. You may recall that she could not attend the reunion because
her political activities had landed her in the clink. Alice, non-plussed,
said, as if she had just seen us last week, "oh hi, I got your
email yesterday." She was, of course referring to the email about
ordering Kokosing t-shirts (order
forms available on this web-site). It was great to see Alice
and she will attend future reunions unless she is otherwise incarcerated.
The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying lovely
Chattanooga. The weather cooperated. We hiked, we shopped, visited
sites and were as immature as Rachel's kids would allow.
1-27-06 |
Andrea |
1) Orders are now being taken for Kokosing T-shirts
! Leah Rachlis (1968-72) copied the owl and woodblock letters
from a worn and well loved Kokosing T-shirt. Shirts are gray with
blue printing, 100%cotton, and available in two styles: a traditional
men's-style T, and a smaller, shorter-sleeved women's version.
100% cotton. We are placing our order based on your response,
so please get your orders in by February 20 using the form below.
Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Several people expressed a preference for the
original design of the Kokosing T-shirt with just the owl and
the words Camp Kokosing (omitting the slogan "Now is life's most
precious time," which some of you may remember from the Memorial
Library). We can only do one design and have decided to go with
the scaled-down version without the slogan. The Reunions 'R' Us
corporation is responsive to the concerns of our constituents
and is always here to serve your Kokosing needs. Remember, order
your T-shirt by February 20!
Click here to
see and then print out the T-shirt order form:
2) We've had some updates since we distributed
the address list in May.
-Rob Lawin mmlawin@yahoo.com
-Eric Mishkin -- emishkin@ptc-me.net
-Aileen Rothenberg (new e-mail) - aileen@norrisenergy.com
3) Webmaster David Kertzner (1973-75) is still
posting your comments, message board entries, photos on the Camp
Kokosing website: www.kokosing.net.
12-20 |
V. |
Hi Leah,
Have you heard the latest? The site at Miller
Pond is still for sale but is now being leased with a "right of
first refusal" to the lessee. Worse than that, and this is my
opinion, is the site will be dramatically modified this summer
in ways that are not so good (to put it mildly.)
Look up campempirelake.com
Now I realize, weight loss is pretty important
in our culture but go-carts, paintball, hockey rink, a POOL!!!
that's ridiculous!!! The need to proceed is ever more important
and the ability to do so is getting slim. Our board has only raised
enough so far that we will be hosting a week of family camp in
conjuction with Camp Common Ground in Vermont. We still have our
highest ideals on Miller Pond and another progressive kids camp
but the struggle is...a struggle.
We'll just have to keep on keepin-on. be well,
12-09 |
Garrison |
There is a photo of Camp Kokosing on Ebay right now. Expires Dec.
16. Item number: 6234093686 |
11-20 |
Dan Kaplan |
anyone have an update on the possibility of camp reopening next
summer? We are actively looking for a camp for our daughter. Does
anyone have any suggestions for other camps to look at with a similar
philosophy? Please email me at amydan@verizon.net with any update
or suggestions. Thanks. Dan(ny) Kaplan |
10-18 |
Margolis |
Hey Paul,
I just saw the message about your documentary. Sorry I missed
it and congratulations! I hope to see you in Boston. For anyone
else in the Boston area, "The Definition of Insanity" is screening
at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline, Massachusetts on
Tuesday, November 8th, 9:45 P.M. as part of the Boston Jewish
Film Festival. Award-winning local singer-songwriter Amy Fairchild,
whose music appears in The Definition of Insanity, will perform
live before the screening. As additional incentive, my brother
Dave and his family will be at the screening! More info at: www.definitionofinsanity.com
Best to all and happy autumn, Bob
09-26 |
Lehrman |
I didn't get to see Bob's film, but I've been to the Website and
it sounds hilarious. Depressing, but hilarious. I hope to see it
in Boston in November. Good luck with it, Bob!
And speaking of films, I have a showing of a documentary film I
produced in New York on October 9. It's about early-20th-century
composer George Antheil and his notorious piece, "Ballet Mecanique."
It will be shown at the conference of the Audio Engineering Society,
at the Javits Center, that Sunday at 5:00 pm. Strictly speaking
it's not open to the public, but I can get people in for free on
a special "VIP" pass if they tell me -- BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30 -- that
they want to come. Email me at mail to paul@antheil.org
or lehrman@pan.com and I'll
send you details. Meanwhile, you can get more information on the
film and the subject at http://antheil.org. Best to everyone, Paul |
09-01 |
Kohn |
If you went to Kokosing in these years I would
like to talk to you-----most notably Richard Rolfe------Frank
Saloman-----David Baylis----Carl Cowgill---David Levi-----Oscar
or Eddie Bing------
peace and joy
This is from Steve Kohn.
09-01 |
V. |
Kokosingers one and all,
The summer may be waning but the heat is on. I
have just been made aware of
another potential buyer to the Miller Pond road
property. I, like you, would hate to see it change hands again
(and in this case to become a sports/fitness/and diet camp). We
also don't want to get into a bidding war with
an already inflated price.
Many of you have given us the direct feedback
of "there is no connection / link / way to donate at the
web site: http://www.thoreau-kokosing.org/
Right you are, because we have not had a legal means to do so,
until now!
The US govt. is about a year back logged in accepting 501c applications,
our's is in but we now have to wait in line. We have been accepted
by a fiscal sponsor in the interim so we will be posting our capital
campaign very shortly. Meanwhile we have two significant avenues
we are following that we need direct and immediate Kokosinger
support (if we are to be true to our name and principles). We
are seriously considering forming a LLC to secure the land (some
of you may have gotten a personal email from me about this already)
and we are hoping to expand the board of directors. We hope that
there is interest among a few of you to apply yourselves or nominate
to this. Please contact me or any of the
AKT board members directly.
Thanks in advance,
Mike V.
08-22 |
Margolis |
For any Kokosingites in the New York City area,
my film "The Definition of Insanity", is playing Tuesday, August
30th at 7 PM at the Pioneer Theater (155 East 3rd St. NYC).
I'll be there for a Q&A afterwards. More info
at: www.definitionofinsanity.com
Best, Bob Margolis
Robert Margolis Dirt Road Films
223 West 14th Street, #3A New York, NY 10011 212-978-8945
Voicemail 917-539-7930 Cell Phone 866-717-2047 Fax
08-08 |
Blum |
have the pleasure of announcing the successful formation of "The
Association of Kokosing and Thoreau" which is already becoming
known as AKT. This is a non-profit organization formed to
bring back Camp. It will raise money and hire a Director and other
personnel to operate the camp. Of course, we hope it will do much
more: this organization is a way for us all to connect and bring
back to life a place, an effort, a community, and a spirit that
has meant so very much to us. As Kieran McGrath said recently, "Why
refuse to let Camp fade away? Because we love it and it changed
us for the better!"
Our goal is an ambitious one.
We hope to raise a whole lot of money in the next six months.
Our official Capital Campaign begins in September but, I guess,
this message marks the "unofficial" start of the campaign.
Our time table calls for us to have Camp (at this time referred
to as Camp Kokosing-Thoreau) up and running in the Summer of 2006.
Our non-profit status will allow us to receive donations (which
will be tax deductible for the donors) as well as tuition. This,
in turn, will put Camp on a better financial footing and allow
us to greatly expand the scholarship and diversity programs. As
in the past, lots of young people, from all kinds of backgrounds
and places and experiences, will come together each summer to
form our very special camp community.
"How can I get involved and help?"
I can hear you asking those words as you read this. There are
so many ways. Here are some of them:
-Give money;
-Raise lots of money (by contacting Kieran
McGrath and joining the Fundraising Committee. Kieran is at mcgrath@robinhood.org;
-Get the word out - please email or otherwise
forward this message to everyone you know from Thoreau and Kokosing;
-Come to the big Reunion on September 17th
in Massachusetts (part of the festivities there will be to honor
Greg for all he has done these 25 plus years). There will be many
friends to see and a whole lot to talk about...
The home of this effort is our website at: www.kokosing-thoreau.org.
Please visit the website, read more about AKT, and sign up there
to be part of it.
I am looking forward to seeing, speaking with,
and hearing from all of you as we come together to keep alive
our special place.
Yours truly,-Steve Blum
08-01 |
Herwood |
Wow. How sad am I. No one even declared me missing
or even listed me. Senior Aide in Dramatics along with Jeannie
Berlin in 1965. Returned as an Assistant Drama Counselor in 1969.
I'm in several pictures, listed as Meryl Harwood. Well it was
actually 'Herwood'.
Read the rest of
Meryl's Recollections ...
in the Writing Gallery
06-09 |
Ellenberg Schulson |
your old Kokosing T-shirt? We are looking into reproducing the original.
Please email Rachel Schulson (rschulson@gmail.com)
and let her know how many and what sizes (adult and child should
be available). Price will be determined once we see how many orders
we get. |
06-06 |
Kaplan |
The posting by me about Camp Common Ground [see
link at the end of this message] was a message written by my friend,
Martha Siegel. I've never been to the camp, but it's run by old
friends of mine from Brooklyn, who moved to Burlington, Vermont
about 15 years ago, and started this camp. Another of my friends,
Martha Siegel, is the music teacher at the camp. Coincidentally,
Martha is an old friend of Joan Balter's - Joan went to Kokosing
I think in the 60's. Anyway, I think a lot of Kokosing folks would
love this camp. Though I've never been, it sounds like a Kokosing
kind of place, and a nice vacation spot for families.
here to read a Press Release about Camp Common Ground.
05-31 |
Ellenberg Schulson |
a two-month lull, I am getting a number of Kokosing-related emails
again. The emails are in response to the group email that Andrea,
Lonnie, and I sent last night that mentioned Kokosing T-shirts.
(NOTE: If you did not receive the email, we may not have
your email address. Please send it to rschulson@gmail.com)
Within a few hours of sending the email, I had an offer from Leah
Rachlis to design and get the T-shirts manufactured; a web address
from Gina Gold for a T-shirt company; and orders from Ron Rothenberg,
Peggy Coburn, and Alan Rosenberg along with thanks. Alan's email
also included a promising report on the health of his son who had
been ill during the months we were corresponding about the reunion.
What a great community this is! I hope we continue to stay in touch-there
is something about sharing a history that is irreplaceable. |
05-31 |
Ellenberg Schulson |
HERE to print out the order form for the Reunion DVD
(These are Kokosing photos that were
shown on the screens at the reunion, not photos from the Reunion
05-25 |
Bob Margolis |
to see everyone at the reunion! For any Kokosingites in the New
York City area, my film "The Definition of Insanity", is playing
Tuesday, June 7th at 10 PM at the Brooklyn Museum as part of the
Brooklyn Int. Film Festival (2/3 train to Brooklyn Museum). I'll
be there for a Q&A afterwards. More info at www.wbff.org or at www.definitionofinsanity.com
05-24 |
Kertzner |
HERE to see Reunion Photos on an AOL photo gallery site.
You may have to download the AOL photo viewer to see these, so be
forewarned. Once on the page, click on View Album as guest - just
next to the thumbnail photo from the gathering in Central Park on
Sunday. |
05-16 |
Rachlis |
- reunion reflection - take 5... I am glad you mention the lack
of traffic on the previously very busy web site. I have tried to
write the web site a number of times - I think having actual (current)
faces has changed the experience somewhat, there was a surreal feeling
to all this before the reunion.
Read the rest of Leah's
Reunion Reflection ... in
the Writing Gallery |
05-12 |
Thall |
to the LWKO..i am glad i wrote this shortly after
the reunion..tho saved it because the website was not in action....i,
like you, do hope to hear more post reunion reactions...here is
mine thanks again to andrea. lonnie and rachel..you guys had a
vision and you made it come true...we are all grateful..and to
the rest of the committee-the website will help us continue our
rekindled friendships and we will cherish the video..it will always
spark new memories for me..
Read the rest of Carin's
A Nite to Remember
in the Writing Gallery
05-12 |
L.W.K.O. |
L.W.K.O. is confused. So many people came to see him in NYC and
then never wrote to see how he was doing after the reunion. He had
high hopes that this reunion would bring about a flurry of activity
and he's stunned by the quiet. Where is everyone? Have people all
moved to Vermont to be closer to past memories of good times. Or
are they still gathering their thoughts so they sound intelligent
when they finally do write to the L.W.K.O. He's a little lonely
and would like to hear from people. Were they happy to see him?
Would they like to see him again? Were they happy to see anyone
else? Were they able to recapture some of those feelings from summers
long ago? Are they even checking the website on a daily basis to
see if their friends and family have written? Please clear up the
confusion for the L.W.K.O. Thanks. |
05-06 |
L.W.K.O reports that L.L-B. A.H., R.B.E-S, D.K and J.V. all put
on a spectacular bash in N.Y.C. It was great to see that some romances
first uncovered in L.W.K.O.'s column 30 years ago still flourish.
That's right, power couples like D.S & P.W.S. and J.G. &
S.P.G. are still going strong. It was equally heartwarming to witness
reunions among other former loves, crushes, infatuations and even
rivals. It has been confirmed that both D.P. and A.N. asked G.G.
to go steady... at the same time! G.G. is reported to have said
they were thirty years too late, but that her inner child fully
appreciated the gesture. We also heard that A.R., who loved L.C.
back in the 70s, got to have dinner with her and her siblings before
the event. And who wasn't reminded of the last dance at the social
when they saw K.H. looking way up into B.M.'s eyes once again.
It was particularly moving to see A.R. and her son R.R. once again
standing before a gathering of campers. Sure, there was an open
bar instead of a flagpole, but it was just like old times.
Ah yes, the Camp Kokosing reunion has set the L.W.K.O awash in a
sea of nostalgia. This little white owl can still smell the scent
of a fresh Kokosinger sliding off the mimeograph before deadline.
Watching campers thumb through page after page of that beautiful
purple ink just to see whose initials had made it in that week.
Yes happy campers, even after a three-decade hiatus, the L.W.K.O
still knows love when he (or she?) sees it. And there was so much
love at that reunion it was palpable.
-- L.W.K.O. |
05-05 |
Mazor |
Yes, congratulations for giving us all a truly
singular and unforgettable event, to everybody who did the work
to make it happen. This reunion should be seen as a chance, also,
to keep in touch on an ongoing basis, let Kokosing friends know
what we're up to--or heading their way--and as a kind of ongoing
extension of this community. So it's great that David (and Paul
too?) will be getting things set up where message posting and
responding will be an easy and ongoing thing. That wasn't possible
in "those" Kokosing days; it is in THESE Kokosing days. And my
experiences along these lines elsewhere suggests how much "in
touch" that can feel.
05-03 |
Harris |
I want to to congratulate Andrea, Rachel, Lonnie, David Kertzner,
and Jeffrey Vahanian for the outstanding job they did in making
the the reunion such a memorable event.
Another chapter in the history of Camp Kokosing was written on April
16 and 17. Saturday night at Kevin St. James was spectacular. It
was like the final social and banquet combined times 100. There
was so much electricity in the air with people laughing and telling
stories. The DVD presentation, thanks to Mr. Vahanian, was superb
(I love the soundtrack). Simply put, the event was what Kokosing
was all about, friendship, good times, and alot of laughter. I hope
it wasn't the final chapter but I'll never forget it. To everyone
who attended the festivities of those two days, it was simply great
seeing you all. Please stay eternally young at heart until we see
each other again.
Francis Harris |
04-30 |
Vahanian |
Not long before the reunion, I wrote Andrea Hirshman
that the coming event will serve "as a reference point back
to another place in time. We are getting to revisit not only each
other, but ourselves. This time, bringing our years of experience
and perspective to bear in a way that is helping us see ourselves
a little more clearly....." What an amazing gift...that we
could hit the "hyperspace" button and actually come
together again. Even greater, that upon arrival after 31 years,
the energy and affection seemed timeless...
Read the rest of
Jeffrey's wonderful Reunion
Reflections in the Writing
04-29 |
Kirschner |
Vena said it well, " To see Campers morph...................................................",
Thanks....................Y'All...........a Metaphor to share that
truly puts it in a Nutshell, Wendy Hollander let me know that she
is a Botannicle Illustrator and apparently her being involved with
others in building and observing a Dam we worked on a stream flowing
toward our Lake, had been an inspiration to her. Ripples occur so
subtly, All I can Say to All is Thanks later Contact anytime; S.A.
Kirschner 6509 Colonial Dr. Margate, FL. 33063 954-984-5147 sakirschner2002@yahoo.com |
04-27 |
Jackman |
I can't
believe I will be one of the first to post on the message board
after the reunion; after all I didn't contribute that much leading
up to the event. I think all of you would agree, what an event it
OOOOOOOOOOOutstandingggggggggggggggggg! To the organizers. Thank
you so very much for organizing this reunion. I know it took a lot
of time and effort to pull this off; however, attending the reunion
will be one of the highlights of my life. I mean that sincerely!
In closing, as evidence that I didn't review the site as frequently
as I should have, I'll respond to Carin Thall's email in late January.
When we spoke last night, she mentioned that her son's could not
believe that she was an athlete; and my immediate response was,
"I remember when you played softball". So I will attest to your
athletic prowess, back-in-the-day. The final socials at summers
end were just so hard! The final social put an exclamation point
on the end of a summer where friendships and relationships had begun
during our formative teenage years. Carin, I too remember that dance
and thirty years later, I thank you for it! BTW, I always wondered
where my overalls went? ;-) LOL to all. Thanks for a wonderful evening!
Bruce |
04-27 |
Lore |
I hardly
had a chance to catch my breath post-reunion, since I had to go
quickly from Reunion mode to Passover mode. In a way, it made the
transition a little easier. But basically it just put off the inevitable
feeling of sadness that it was all over. I got away with avoiding
the pain for a week and wham, on Monday, it hit me like a ton of
bricks, it's over! ...
Read the rest of Lonnie's Post
Reunion Thoughts in the Writing
Gallery. |
04-27 |
Vena |
I'm still
floating over the decades that washed away seeing so many special
faces from those glorious fun filled years at Kokosing. Seeing my
"kids" morph into the adults and parents of teens themselves was
thrilling. Recognizing all of them without looking at the name tags
meant my memory is not as lost as I'd thought. Seeing friends I
had been a camper with-Lisa, Linda, Andy, Joan and having seen the
updates about Todd, Evan and Eric made me feel like a kid again.
It's incredible how the years just melt away. I loved seeing the
surprise on Gary Golding's face when I reminded him that I'd been
at his wedding. Seeing my posse of close friends before the reunion
continues to be priceless. Too little time to catch up on so many
years. (See kids you get very nostalgic when you get old-er.) My
heartfelt thanks to the organizers of this joyful event and the
great pictures and slideshow. I can't express my appreciation without
getting tearful. I whole heartedly volunteer for any assistance
I can provide for the next one. And most of all thanks to the Rothenbergs
for their vision, and their hearts. They'll always be a part of
mine. Love & lots more Hugs, Chris Vena |
04-27 |
Shushan |
fellow Kokosingers...
What a wonderful weekend! I loved just drinking in, all of these
old faces, that somehow, found their way into my soul, during those
years at camp.
There is such a joy in knowing that we all share something as substantial..as
innocent as those years we spent together.
In my twenties, I had a career as an Outward Bound
Instructor..and later a long stint, as a consultant to 4-H...working
with experiential education and kids...At the moment, 20,000 kids
a year, go through the Challenge Program, that I set up with 4-H,
over twenty years ago, here in Washington State...And all of this,
has roots, back at Kokosing.
Thank you to the organizers, for making this happen...Andrea,
Betty and Lonnie, in particular! It is truely a lifetime event,
that will find it's place, right along side all of those other
'summer' memories.
I'm looking forward to staying in touch, with
many new, 'old' friends.
And, any time anyone comes to the NW...please
call me, and stay a while at my place in Seattle. Even if we don't
know each other, we'll just have to have a begining, as Camp Alumni....
Take care everyone.
Again, thank you for a wonderful weekend!
Much Love
See Archived
Messages from before the reunion